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Step-by-step Guide to Convert DVR to MP4 on Windows/Mac. This guide below will walk you through four steps for changing DVR files to MP4 or other video formats you want such as MOV, AVI, etc. It works on both Windows and Mac system, read to know more about its features, and FREE DOWNLOAD it to follow the simple steps. Here is a list of best free MP4 to AVI converter software for Windows.Through these software, you can easily convert an MP4 video to AVI format with ease. In most cases, you will be able to convert multiple MP4 videos to AVI simultaneously; this property saves a lot of time. The service allows you to save and download a video in the desired format to any device for later playback without access to the Internet. Fast and easy to use To quickly download video from YouTube in audio formats MP3 or MP4, you need to copy the URL, insert it into the search string and click Convert. free online Facebook video downloader. Getfvid is one of the best tools available online for convert videos from Facebook to mp4 (video) or mp3 (audio) files and download them for free - this service works for computers, tablets and mobile devices.